Friday, June 21, 2024

Importing a bacpac file to a development box SQL

 Just to memorize some steps to import a database from a bacpac file.

  1. Download and run the DacFramework.msi installer for Windows
  2. Put the backup.bacpac file close to the SQL database, say, in the root folder on disk G:
  3. Run the bat file. 

@echo Importing a bacpac data to SQL database
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160\DAC\bin
SqlPackage.exe /a:import /sf:G:\backup.bacpac /tsn:localhost /tdn:AxDB_Restored /p:CommandTimeout=1200 /TargetTrustServerCertificate:True

Take note about the last option: without it importing fails with the following error.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Project intercompany invoice sales tax calculation bug in 10.0.37

 While Microsoft working on this issue, let me show you how you can fix it in the current code running on 10.0.37 or lower.


When using the project intercompany customer invoice form in Project management and accounting module , you can create a customer invoice to bill to an intercompany customer. As the customer is intercompany, there is a legal entity (LE) associated with that customer. When posting the intercompany customer invoice, a pending vendor invoice is created in the customer’s LE with the same lines from the customer invoice.

You can see calculated Sales taxes via Sales tax button


If you try to add more lines, it will be added with line number 1, and sales taxes won't be added with this newly added line. Note: If you delete any line here and then you add more, it works fine.

This bug leads to missed taxes transactions in all TaxUncommitted, TmpTaxWorkTrans, and eventually in TaxTrans tables


Create an extension class with the following code

final class myProjIntercompanyCustomerInvoiceCreator_Extension
    public CustInvoiceTable createInvoice()
        // we need to increase the next line number to avoid duplicates in case when new lines added to initially created ones
        lineNum             = this.myGetNextLineNum();

        custInvoiceTable    = next createInvoice();

            TaxUncommitted::deleteForDocumentHeader(tableNum(CustInvoiceTable), custInvoiceTable.RecId);
        return custInvoiceTable;

    public LineNum myGetNextLineNum()
        CustInvoiceLine custInvoiceLine;
        select maxof(lineNum) from custInvoiceLine
            where custInvoiceLine.ParentRecId == custInvoiceTable.RecId;

        return custInvoiceLine.LineNum + 1;


Friday, January 5, 2024

Check your data via SQL

 Sometimes we need to check or validate some data in a dev box. The fastest way to do that is to run a query directly in MS SQL management studio.

For example, I have hundreds legal entities and want to know in which of them I have some Purchase orders. Voila:

dataareaid as Company, count(RECID) as 'Number of PO'
having count(RECID) > 1

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

How to create a new custom financial dimension value with description and other parameters via X++

User can add values manually to Custom dimension attribute type only. For all other backing entities it should go via standard table creation, say, new CustTable record, etc.

The easiest way to create a new Custom list dimension value is to use the standard service DimensionValueService as follows. Say, you need to create a new value by using _newProjCategory record fields.

DimensionValueService dimensionValueService = new DimensionValueService();
DimensionValueContract dimensionValueContract = new DimensionValueContract();


It creates the display value as its description.


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Ledger dimension vs Default dimension

 In short Ledger dimension it is Main account + default dimension.

So, if you need to replace any attribute value in a given Ledger dimension, do not forget to get a Default dimension first.


Then you can use this old good way.

DimensionDefault newDim = DimensionHelper::setValueToDefaultDimension(hcmEmployment.DefaultDimension, DimensionAttribute::findByName(_dimensionName).RecId, _dimensionValue);

BTW, the opposite thing works like that:

LedgerDimensionFacade::serviceCreateLedgerDimension(ledgerDimensionMainAccount, inventTrans.defaultDimension);
Supporting method
public static DimensionDefault setValueToDefaultDimension(DimensionDefault _dimensionDefault, RefRecId _dimensionAttributeRecId, DimensionValue  _newDimensionValue)
        DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage   dimStorage;
        DimensionDefault                    newDimensionDefault = _dimensionDefault;
        DimensionAttributeValue             dimensionAttributeValue;
        if (_dimensionAttributeRecId)
            dimStorage = DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage::find(_dimensionDefault);
            if (_newDimensionValue)
                dimensionAttributeValue = DimensionAttributeValue::findByDimensionAttributeAndValue(DimensionAttribute::find(_dimensionAttributeRecId), _newDimensionValue, false, true);
            newDimensionDefault =;
        return newDimensionDefault;

Bigger usage example

        // replace TransactionType to the one from parameters
        // first we need to get main account and default dimension from the originl transaction ledger dimension 
        mainAccountRecId = LedgerDimensionFacade::getMainAccountRecIdFromLedgerDimension(_ledgerJournalTransOrig.LedgerDimension);
        dimensionDefault = LedgerDimensionFacade::getDefaultDimensionFromLedgerDimension(_ledgerJournalTransOrig.LedgerDimension);
        // then replace this attribute with a new value
        dimensionDefault = myDimValueHelper::setDefaultDimensionValue(dimensionDefault, myDimensionConstants::TransactionType, LedgerParameters::find().myGLDimInvTransSale);
        // get default dimension for main account
        ledgerDimensionMainAccount = LedgerDefaultAccountHelper::getDefaultAccountFromMainAccountRecId(mainAccountRecId);
        // finally combine it with original main account to get a new ledger dimension
        ledgerJournalTrans.OffsetLedgerDimension  = LedgerDimensionFacade::serviceCreateLedgerDimension(ledgerDimensionMainAccount, dimensionDefault);
        ledgerJournalTrans.modifiedField(fieldNum(LedgerJournalTrans, OffsetLedgerDimension));

Thanks Sasha Nazarov and Ievgen Miroshnikov and Denis Trunin

Friday, August 4, 2023

How to select\unselect all records in a form grid

 While adding standard command button you can opt for SelectAll to mark all records in a form grid. However, there is no such a command for the opposite - unselect all records.

You can easily achieve it by using the following method and two usual button form controls.

public class myForm extends FormRun
    public void selectAll(boolean _select)

    class FormButtonControlSelectAll
        public void clicked()

    class FormButtonControlUnSelectAll
        public void clicked()

How to get rid of a stuck report design in SSRS

It is difficult to say if your recent changes to an SSRS report design are really deployed. I suggest that any textbox be colored to visualize it (you can revert it in the end).

However, sometimes previous design is stuck on the server, and you still see no changes deployed, nevertheless, you already restarted Reporting services. Fortunately, there is a direct way to delete such a stubborn report from the server.

Open Report Server configuration manager as administrator and apply Portal URL setting if it is not done yet.

Then go for your report and delete it.

Next deployment should be OK.