Open SQL MS and switch this flip to True and keep default values for your database.
Now you can resume the process.
2020 release wave 2 Installed product version : 10.0.14 (10.0.605.20015) Installed platform version : Update38 (7.0.5778.41504)
Open SQL MS and switch this flip to True and keep default values for your database.
Grant above permissions.
3) On the VM for the environment, open PowerShell
4) Run the following commands:
a) Install-Module, and accept all the prompts
b) New-D365EntraIntegration -ClientId <client-id> (client-id is the app registration id that was created)
5) The above command will save a certificate, which then needs to be uploaded to the app registration that was created
If you refresh your devbox database from another environment and need to set up its admin account to your user, you can do it by executing the following SQL command.
NB: use your own email address and SID.
Just to memorize some steps to import a database from a bacpac file.
@echo Importing a bacpac data to SQL database c: cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160\DAC\bin SqlPackage.exe /a:import /sf:G:\backup.bacpac /tsn:localhost /tdn:AxDB_Restored /p:CommandTimeout=1200 /TargetTrustServerCertificate:True pause
While Microsoft working on this issue, let me show you how you can fix it in the current code running on 10.0.37 or lower.
When using the project intercompany customer invoice form in Project management and accounting module , you can create a customer invoice to bill to an intercompany customer. As the customer is intercompany, there is a legal entity (LE) associated with that customer. When posting the intercompany customer invoice, a pending vendor invoice is created in the customer’s LE with the same lines from the customer invoice.
You can see calculated Sales taxes via Sales tax button
[ExtensionOf(classStr(ProjIntercompanyCustomerInvoiceCreator))] final class myProjIntercompanyCustomerInvoiceCreator_Extension { public CustInvoiceTable createInvoice() { // we need to increase the next line number to avoid duplicates in case when new lines added to initially created ones lineNum = this.myGetNextLineNum(); custInvoiceTable = next createInvoice(); if(origTransList.elements()) { TaxUncommitted::deleteForDocumentHeader(tableNum(CustInvoiceTable), custInvoiceTable.RecId); } return custInvoiceTable; } public LineNum myGetNextLineNum() { CustInvoiceLine custInvoiceLine;
select maxof(lineNum) from custInvoiceLine where custInvoiceLine.ParentRecId == custInvoiceTable.RecId; return custInvoiceLine.LineNum + 1; } }
Sometimes we need to check or validate some data in a dev box. The fastest way to do that is to run a query directly in MS SQL management studio.
For example, I have hundreds legal entities and want to know in which of them I have some Purchase orders. Voila:
select dataareaid as Company, count(RECID) as 'Number of PO' from PURCHTABLE group by DATAAREAID having count(RECID) > 1