Thursday, March 17, 2022

Lookup, JumpRef, Modified for a form data source field through CoC

 As  explained in his old article, it is much better to override methods directly on a data source field than on its linked form controls.

I just want to re-iterate it and place here code snippets.

  • User can add new control using form personalization and this control won’t support overridden logic. It could be critical if you are restricting field lookup values or adding validations.
  • One form could have several controls that refers to one data source field so you have to duplicate your code.
  • Number of delegates are limited as well.
So, say we need to implement Lookup, JumpRef, and Modified methods for a custom field on CustInvoiceTable data source of CustFreeInvoice form. Implement these three aforementioned methods, e.g., directly in an extension to the form class.

final class myCustFreeInvoice_Form_Extension
    public void myAssignedBankAccountIdModified(FormDataObject _targetField)
    public void myAssignedBankAccountIdJumpRef(FormDataObject _targetField)
    // Different parameter here!
    public void myAssignedBankAccountIdLookup(FormStringControl _callingControl)

Now simply override them for the field when the data source is initialized.
public class myCustFreeInvoice_Form_EventHandler
    [FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(CustFreeInvoice, CustInvoiceTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Initialized)]
    public static void myCustInvoiceTable_OnInitialized(FormDataSource _sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs _e)
        FormRun         eogFormRun                  = _sender.formRun();
        FormDataObject  eogCustomField              = _sender.object(fieldNum(CustInvoiceTable, eogCustomField));
fdoEOGAssignedBankAccountId.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormDataObject, jumpRef), formMethodStr(CustFreeInvoice, myAssignedBankAccountIdJumpRef), myFormRun); fdoEOGAssignedBankAccountId.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormDataObject, lookup), formMethodStr(CustFreeInvoice, myAssignedBankAccountIdLookup), myFormRun); fdoEOGAssignedBankAccountId.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormDataObject, modified), formMethodStr(CustFreeInvoice, myAssignedBankAccountIdModified), myFormRun); }

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