Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How to get number of rows loaded in a grid

In fact we can use numberOfRowsLoaded on a linked form data source; however, it shows the number of those cached only.

So, if you are editing row number 28, for example, and then call ExecuteQuery() on the data source, you will probably get a lower number of rows loaded in the grid yet, say, 19.

In order to get the right number, you should use the aforementioned method together with allRowsLoaded() one.

public int myNumberOfRowsLoaded()
    int myNumOfRec;
    int myCounter;

    myNumOfRec = PSAActivityEstimates_DS.numberOfRowsLoaded();
    // nothing to load yet
        return myNumOfRec;
    // so far we numbered those lines cached only
        // so let's move it on until the end of loading
        // just to avoid never ending adventure
        // get the number for the next iteration
        myNumOfRec = PSAActivityEstimates_DS.numberOfRowsLoaded();
    // now all numberOfRowsLoaded() calls will return the correct number of rows in grids
    myNumOfRec = PSAActivityEstimates_DS.numberOfRowsLoaded();

    return myNumOfRec;

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