Just a short note for my current PU.
Display methods work well as instance methods from table extensions. As to edit-methods, we still need to declare them as static.
Do not forget to pass the table buffer as the first argument.
More detail can be found in Vania's article about news in PU11.
Display methods work well as instance methods from table extensions. As to edit-methods, we still need to declare them as static.
[ExtensionOf(tableStr(ProjProposalJour))] final class myProjProposalJourTable_ProjInvReport_Extension static public server edit myProjInvReportFmtDescWithBr myEditInvReportFormatWithBR(ProjProposalJour _this, boolean _set, PrintMgmtReportFormatDescription _newReportFormat) { PrintMgmtReportFormatDescription newReportFormat = _newReportFormat; PrintMgmtReportFormatDescription reportFormat; reportFormat = ProjInvoicePrintMgmt::myGetReportFormatWithBR(_this); if (_set) { if (_this.RecId && newReportFormat && newReportFormat != reportFormat) { ProjInvoicePrintMgmt::myCreateOrUpdateInvoiceWithBRPrintSettings(_this, PrintMgmtNodeType::ProjProposalJour, newReportFormat); reportFormat = newReportFormat; } } return reportFormat; }
Do not forget to pass the table buffer as the first argument.
More detail can be found in Vania's article about news in PU11.