Saturday, February 10, 2018

How to update progress in DMF batch tasks

I do not  know why but standard DMF writer does not update its batch task progress. It is really dull to run DMF target step and see 0% progress for long time trying to guess only what ETA is.

Fortunately it is easy to fix. The whole idea is simple: init a server side progress and update it every time the next record is processed.

DMFEntityWriter class
private void myProgressServerInit(RefRecId _startRecId, RefRecId _endRecId)
        // this progress just updates percentage in Batch task form
        myProgressServer = RunbaseProgress::newServerProgress(1, newGuid(), -1, DateTimeUtil::minValue());
        myProgressServer.setTotal(_endRecId - _startRecId);

public container write(DMFDefinitionGroupExecution  _definitionGroupExecution,
                       DMFdefinationGroupName       _definitionGroup,
                       DMFExecutionID               _executionId,
                       DMFEntity                    _entity,
                       boolean                      _onlyErrored,
                       boolean                      _onlySelected,
                       RefRecId                     _startRefRecId = 0,
                       RefRecId                     _endRefRecId = 0,
                       boolean                      _isCompare = false,
                       DmfStagingBundleId           _bundleId = 0)
    Common                      target;

    if (_entity.TargetIsSetBased)

        while (nextStartRecId <= lastRecId)

                this.myProgressServerInit(startRefRecId, endRefRecId);
                while select staging where staging.(defGroupFieldId) == _definitionGroup && staging.(execFieldId) == _executionId
                            && ( (!_onlyErrored && !_onlySelected) ||
                                    (_onlyErrored && staging.(transferStatusFieldId) == DMFTransferStatus::Error) ||
                                    (_onlySelected && staging.(selectedFieldId) == NoYes::Yes)
                    join tmpStagingRecords where
                        tmpStagingRecords.RecId                 >= startRefRecId   &&
                        tmpStagingRecords.RecId                 <= endRefRecId     &&
                        tmpStagingRecords.StagingRecordRecId    == staging.RecId

    return [newCount, updCount, stagingLogRecId,msgDisplayed];

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