Thursday, December 21, 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Table-Group-All pattern filtering in forms
When we need to support business scenarios with different types of relations for the same table, it comes to using enums like Table-Group-All. You can find the biggest example, I believe, in PriceDiscTable.
This post is to explain the same approach in a simpler way.
Say, we have a table with two fields defining different possible values for two other relation value fields.
The whole idea is in adding a range with an expression to the form query.
The challenge here is to support correct filtering on the form and combine it with the user filters, after it is open for a particular record. In our case it is a customer that can have a value in Sales commission group (or not) and some matching ZIP code in its primary business address.
This method is supposed to be triggered from linkActive() of the data source. First we clear the original query from possible dynamic links and ranges and create our new range for an expression. You can make it visible to see the final expression for debugging.
Then we create a complex range expression for two fields in two methods.
We add Group based condition only if Sales commission value is set up for a given customer.
You can easily adapt this code to your own scenario. Just be meticulous with the syntax of the extended range expression.
This post is to explain the same approach in a simpler way.
Say, we have a table with two fields defining different possible values for two other relation value fields.
The whole idea is in adding a range with an expression to the form query.
The challenge here is to support correct filtering on the form and combine it with the user filters, after it is open for a particular record. In our case it is a customer that can have a value in Sales commission group (or not) and some matching ZIP code in its primary business address.
void reSelect()
str filter;
filter = this.buildViewAllCustomerFilter();
This method is supposed to be triggered from linkActive() of the data source. First we clear the original query from possible dynamic links and ranges and create our new range for an expression. You can make it visible to see the final expression for debugging.
private void cleanDSQuery() { mySalesGroupAssignation_DS.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(mySalesGroupAssignation)).clearDynalinks(); mySalesGroupAssignation_DS.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(mySalesGroupAssignation)).clearRanges(); blockCustomerGroupRelation = mySalesGroupAssignation_ds.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(mySalesGroupAssignation)).addRange(fieldNum(mySalesGroupAssignation, myCustomerTableGroupAll)); blockCustomerGroupRelation.status(RangeStatus::Hidden); }
Then we create a complex range expression for two fields in two methods.
private str buildViewAllCustomerFilter() { str viewAllAgreementFilter; viewAllAgreementFilter = '(('; viewAllAgreementFilter += element.buildFilterCustomer(); viewAllAgreementFilter += ') && ('; viewAllAgreementFilter += element.buildFilterZipCode(); viewAllAgreementFilter += '))'; return viewAllAgreementFilter; }
We add Group based condition only if Sales commission value is set up for a given customer.
private str buildFilterCustomer() { str filter; // ( filter = '('; // (myCustomerTableGroupAll = Table and myCustomerGroupRelation = account code) // OR // (myCustomerTableGroupAll = All) // AND // filter += strFmt('((%1.%2==%5) && (%1.%3=="%4")) || (%1.%2==%6)', mySalesGroupAssignation_DS.queryRun().query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(mySalesGroupAssignation)).name(), // 1 fieldStr(mySalesGroupAssignation, myCustomerTableGroupAll), // 2 fieldStr(mySalesGroupAssignation, myCustomerGroupRelation), // 3 queryValue(custTableFrom.AccountNum), // 4 any2int(TableGroupAll::Table), // 5 any2int(TableGroupAll::All) // 6 ); if(custTableFrom.CommissionGroup) { // OR // (myCustomerTableGroupAll = Group and myCustomerGroupRelation = sales commission group) filter += strFmt(' || ((%1.%2==%5) && (%1.%3=="%4"))', mySalesGroupAssignation_DS.queryRun().query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(mySalesGroupAssignation)).name(), // 1 fieldStr(mySalesGroupAssignation, myCustomerTableGroupAll), // 2 fieldStr(mySalesGroupAssignation, myCustomerGroupRelation), // 3 queryValue(custTableFrom.CommissionGroup), //4 any2int(TableGroupAll::GroupId) // 5 ); } filter += ')'; return filter; }
private str buildFilterZipCode() { str filter; // ( // (myZipCodeTableGroupAll = GroupId and myZipCodeGroupRelation = myBusinessAddressZipCode) // OR // (myZipCodeTableGroupAll = All) filter = strFmt('(((%1.%2==%5) && (%1.%3=="%4")) || (%1.%2==%6))', mySalesGroupAssignation_DS.queryRun().query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(mySalesGroupAssignation)).name(), // 1 fieldStr(mySalesGroupAssignation, myZipCodeTableGroupAll), // 2 fieldStr(mySalesGroupAssignation, myZipCodeGroupRelation), // 3 queryValue(custTableFrom.myBusinessAddressZipCode().myZipGroupId), // 4 any2int(myGroupAll::GroupId), // 5 any2int(myGroupAll::All) // 6 ); // 6 return filter; }
You can easily adapt this code to your own scenario. Just be meticulous with the syntax of the extended range expression.
expression in range,
form filter
Saturday, December 9, 2017
EDT and tables wizard for AX 2012
AX 2012 Wizard allows to create new Extended data types and new tables with relations, delete actions, indexes and find methods, based on a simple Excel file. Two sample Excel files are included in the zip-package.
Just import two classes (ADO class is to support Excel import).
You can set up new types (if needed) and new tables with all bells and whistles, then run the Wizard and can go fishing until it does its job.
Happy fishing!

It creates:
- all new types based on basic types; (ignores if exists)
- all new labels for US-EN and FR-CA or finds existing one for US-EN;
- new tables;
- new fields;
- new field group with all new fields and the same label as for table;
- new index based on the first field and set is as cluster index;
- normal relation to the main table if given (one only);
- cascade delete action for all new relations from subordinated tables;
- method find based on the first field.
If it fails to open Excel file, check your currently installed Excel version and adapt the connection string.
Just import two classes (ADO class is to support Excel import).
You can set up new types (if needed) and new tables with all bells and whistles, then run the Wizard and can go fishing until it does its job.
Happy fishing!

It creates:
- all new types based on basic types; (ignores if exists)
- all new labels for US-EN and FR-CA or finds existing one for US-EN;
- new tables;
- new fields;
- new field group with all new fields and the same label as for table;
- new index based on the first field and set is as cluster index;
- normal relation to the main table if given (one only);
- cascade delete action for all new relations from subordinated tables;
- method find based on the first field.
If it fails to open Excel file, check your currently installed Excel version and adapt the connection string.
How to create an AOT table field for a given Extended data type
As you can see from the following code, we have to get the primitive or container type for a given EDT. It comes from method AOTtpeStr() as an abbreviation. Then you should call an appropriate method to create a new field.
private void createFieldInTableInAOT() { TreeNode treeNode = treenode::findNode(#ExtendedDataTypesPath); TreeNode treeNodeEDT2extend = treeNode.AOTfindChild(edtType); AOTTableFieldList fieldNode; str typeStrCode = treeNodeEDT2extend.AOTtypeStr(); if(!treeNodeEDT2extend) { warning(funcName() + ".\n Extended data type "+ edtType + " not exists in AOT!"); return ; } switch (typeStrCode) { // string case 'UTS': treeNodeFields.addString(edtName); break; // real case 'UTR': treeNodeFields.addReal(edtName); break; // integer case 'UTI': treeNodeFields.addInteger(edtName); break; // int64 case 'UTW': treeNodeFields.addInt64(edtName); break; // date case 'UTD': treeNodeFields.addDate(edtName); break; // time case 'UTT': treeNodeFields.addTime(edtName); break; // datetime case 'UTZ': treeNodeFields.addDateTime(edtName); break; // enum case 'UTE': treeNodeFields.addEnum(edtName); break; // container case 'UTQ': treeNodeFields.addContainer(edtName); break; // GUID case 'UTG': treeNodeFields.addGuid(edtName); break; default: throw error(funcName()); } fieldNode = treeNodeFields.AOTfindChild(edtName); fieldNode.AOTsetProperty(#PropertyExtendeddatatype, edtType); fieldNode.AOTsave(); currentFieldGroupTreeNode.AOTadd(edtName); info(strfmt("Field '%1' of type '%2' created", edtName, edtType)); }
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