Monday, October 27, 2014

Find Price and Not Lose It

A system bug in PriceDisc class that leads to losing the found price/discount. Still presented in AX 2012 R3 (Application version The local subroutine findDisc in findDisc method is called inside the buffer loop and must be fixed as follows.
void findDisc()

        if ((discDate >= localFromDate  || ! localFromDate)
            && (discDate <= localToDate || ! localToDate))
            if (_relation == PriceType::EndDiscPurch ||
                _relation == PriceType::EndDiscSales )
                // for end discounts, the QuantiyAmountField field contains order total amounts, not quantities
                if (this.calcCur2CurPriceAmount(localQuantityAmountFrom, priceDiscTable) <= qty &&
                    ((qty < this.calcCur2CurPriceAmount(localQuantityAmountTo, priceDiscTable)) || !localQuantityAmountTo))

                    discExist               = true;
                    discAmount             += this.calcCur2CurPriceAmount(priceDiscTable.Amount, priceDiscTable)/ this.priceUnit();
                    percent1               += priceDiscTable.Percent1;
                    percent2               += priceDiscTable.Percent2;
                      // Begin: Alexey Voytsekhovskiy Not to lose the buffer!
                    actualDiscTable        =;
                    //actualDiscTable        = priceDiscTable;
                    // End: Alexey Voytsekhovskiy
                if (localQuantityAmountFrom <= qty
                    && (qty < localQuantityAmountTo || !localQuantityAmountTo))

                    discExist               = true;
                    discAmount             += this.calcCur2CurPriceAmount(priceDiscTable.Amount, priceDiscTable)/ this.priceUnit();
                    percent1               += priceDiscTable.Percent1;
                    percent2               += priceDiscTable.Percent2;
                      // Begin: Alexey Voytsekhovskiy Not to lose the buffer!
                    actualDiscTable        =;
                    //actualDiscTable        = priceDiscTable;
                    // End: Alexey Voytsekhovskiy

The subroutine findPrice in findPriceAgreement method is called inside the buffer loop and must be fixed as follows.
void findPrice()
        if (((discDate >= localFromDate || ! localFromDate)
            &&(discDate <= localToDate  || ! localToDate))
        && (localQuantityAmountFrom <= absQty
            &&(localQuantityAmountTo > absQty || !localQuantityAmountTo)))
            if (cacheMode)
                priceDiscTable = PriceDiscTable::findRecId(localRecid);

            if (this.calcCur2CurPriceAmount(priceDiscTable.calcPriceAmount(absQty),  priceDiscTable) < this.calcPriceAmount(absQty) ||
                ! priceExist)
                priceUnit               = priceDiscTable.priceUnit();
                price                   = this.calcCur2CurPriceAmount(priceDiscTable.price(),  priceDiscTable);

                if (salesParameters.ApplySmartRoundingAfterConversion && (priceDiscTable.Currency != currency) &&
                    relation == PriceType::PriceSales)
                    price = PriceDiscSmartRounding::smartRound(price,Currency::find(currency));

                markup                  = this.calcCur2CurPriceAmount(priceDiscTable.markup(),  priceDiscTable);

                pdsCalculationId        = priceDiscTable.PDSCalculationId;

                if (priceDiscTable.DisregardLeadTime)
                    deliveryDays        = priceDiscTable.DeliveryTime;
                    calendarDays        = priceDiscTable.CalendarDays;

                // <GEERU>
                inventBaileeFreeDays    = priceDiscTable.InventBaileeFreeDays_RU;
                // </GEERU>
                  // Begin: Alexey Voytsekhovskiy, Not to lose the buffer!
                actualPriceTable        =;
                 // actualPriceTable        = priceDiscTable;
                // End: Alexey Voytsekhovskiy
                  priceExist              = true;
                  // <GIN>
                  // Begin: Alexey Voytsekhovskiy, ThinkMax, 04Dec13, UAP_FDD017_PriceSimulation
                uapPriceDiscTableRecId  = priceDiscTable.RecId;
                // End: Alexey Voytsekhovskiy, ThinkMax, 04Dec13, UAP_FDD017_PriceSimulation
                  if (countryRegion_IN)
                    // Firstly, retrieve the MRP from the trade agreement. If there is no MRP defined in
                    // the trade agreement, the MRP should be retrieved from the item master.
                    maxRetailPrice = this.calcCur2CurPriceAmount(
                        priceDiscTable.MaximumRetailPrice_IN ?
                            priceDiscTable.MaximumRetailPrice_IN :
                            InventTableModule::find(itemId, moduleType).maxRetailPrice_IN(),
                // </GIN>

Happy pricing!

Friday, October 24, 2014

How to iterate project group members: Tables, EDT, etc

Based on S. Kuskov's suggestion and Vania Kashperuk's article, I put down this simple job that iterates Tables and Extended Data Types groups members in a given shared project.
static void tmxIterateProjectGroupMembers(Args _args)
    Str                         projectName = "tmxEDI999";
    ProjectNode                 projectNode;
    ProjectGroupNode            ddProjectGroupNode;
    ProjectGroupNode            edtProjectGroupNode;
    ProjectGroupNode            tblProjectGroupNode;
    ProjectListNode             projectListNode;
    TreeNode                    memberTreeNode;              
    TreeNode                    projectTreeNode;
    TreeNodeIterator            projectIterator;
        // find all shared projects
        projectListNode = SysTreeNode::getSharedProject();
        // find project with a given name
        projectNode = projectListNode.AOTfindChild(projectName);
        // open it in a separate window in AOT
        projectTreeNode = projectNode.getRunNode();
        // this is the key point after which we can iterate group members
        projectNode = projectNode.loadForInspection();
        // get nested nodes for appropriate names
        ddProjectGroupNode = projectNode.AOTfindChild('DataDictionary');
        edtProjectGroupNode = ddProjectGroupNode.AOTfindChild('Extended Data Types');
        tblProjectGroupNode = ddProjectGroupNode.AOTfindChild('Tables');
        // tables
        projectIterator = tblProjectGroupNode.AOTiterator();
        memberTreeNode =;

            info(strFmt("%1 %2", memberTreeNode.AOTname(), memberTreeNode.treeNodeName()));
            memberTreeNode =;

        // extended data types
        projectIterator = edtProjectGroupNode.AOTiterator();
        memberTreeNode =;

            info(strFmt("%1 %2", memberTreeNode.AOTname(), memberTreeNode.treeNodeName()));
            memberTreeNode =;
The key method is loadForInspection. Happy iterating!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

C# code to test EDI-XML transformation

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Dynamics.IntegrationFramework.Transform;
using tmxEDITransformsX12.SharedXSD;
using tmxEDITransformsX12.Transform820XSD;

namespace TransformTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FileStream input = new FileStream("C:\\Test.edi", FileMode.Open);
            FileStream output = new FileStream("C:\\Output.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);

            tmxEDITransformsX12.Transform820 transform = new tmxEDITransformsX12.Transform820();

            transform.Transform(input, output, "");
