Wednesday, July 31, 2013

PowerShell Script to Run As A Different User

Short script for PowerShell that allows you to start, for example, Dynamics AX client under a different user account.

The main idea is to store the user's password as a secured string in a file, then to restore it from there and create credentials to launch the program.

First, run the script to save the password:

Write-Host "Input password for USERNAME..."
read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\Scripts\USERNAMEpwd.txt

The following script can be saved in a file like RunDynamicsAXasUSERNAME.ps1 to be run as you need:

#Alex Voytsekhovskiy 2013-07-29
# Based on the links:
# This script is to run Dynamics AX under a different user account
# Without user input for credentials
[String]$Username = 'DOMAIN\USERNAME'

# Please check the following paths
# Absolute path to Dynamics AX shortcut
[string]$DynamicsAXAbsolutePath = 'S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin\Ax32.exe'

# Absolute path to the secured password file
[string]$PasswordAbsolutePath  = 'C:\Scripts\USERNAMEpwd.txt'

# Get the secured password from the file
$password = get-content $PasswordAbsolutePath | convertto-securestring

# Create credentials for the program launch
$credentials = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $Username,$password

# Launch the program
echo "Trying to launch AX 2012..."
start-Process -FilePath $DynamicsAXAbsolutePath  -Credential $credentials 

I used the following links to create this script:

Small update for the case when we want to launch AX with a particular configuration file.

# Please check the following paths
# Absolute path to Configuration file
[string]$DynamicsAXC = 'S:\ConfigurationFiles\MyFavouriteConfiguration.axc'

# the password should be saved previously as a secured string with the following script
# Write-Host "Input password..."
# read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\AX-DEVS\Scripts\USERNAMEpwd.txt

# Launch the program
echo "Trying to launch AX 2012..."
start-Process -FilePath $DynamicsAXAbsolutePath -argumentlist $DynamicsAXC -Credential $credentials 


  1. I am facing the configuration missing error when AX runs please guide.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @Waqar Ahmed

    when you launch AX client, it looks for the default configuration (in the registry). So you need to create one at least, locally on the machine where you wish to start AX client.

  4. If I am trying to open AX32.exe using Start-Process command, and then reference certain .AXC configuration files stored on a network share (with spaces in the path), how would I achieve this?

    I have tried the -ArgumentsList option, tried single quotes, tried double quotes, but AX fails to use the config file.

  5. Hi Darren! Thank you for reading.

    I updated the article and added the configuration parameter as well as the way to generate ciphered password.

    Let me know if it works for you.
