Monday, December 21, 2009

Phone Number Formatting Mask

It is pity but AX does not have the mask functionality on StringEdit fields. (versions 3.x- 4.x at least)

I changed the standard functionality for Phone field of Customers form so that the input phone number will be formatted as (xxx) xxx-xxxx[x]

For example, if one input 1234567890 it will be presented and saved as (123) 456-7890


For 12fs3.45*6.78--90 it will be presented and saved as (123) 456-7890 with no non-numericals.

12345678901234567 will be as (123) 456-7890123456 it does not truncate the tail.

If finally it does not look like (xxx) xxx-xxxx the system alerts the user about that however the input value will be saved.

The following methods were added/changed:

ClassDeclaration of Customers form

public class FormRun extends ObjectRun

boolean sisValidateCalled;

StringEdit Phone field methods:

public void enter()
sisValidateCalled = false;

public boolean validate()
boolean ret;
int length;
Phone newPhone;
ret = super();

// creates new phone number in the format (xxx) xxx-xxxx[x]
newPhone = SISTools::formatPhoneNumber(this.text());
length = strlen(newPhone);

if (length != #CorrectPhoneLettersNumber)
checkFailed(strfmt("Phone numbers should be like: (xxx) xxx-xxxx"));

CustTable.Phone = newPhone;
sisValidateCalled = true;
return ret;
public boolean leave()
boolean ret;

ret = super();

if (!sisValidateCalled)

return ret;

SISTools class (some collection of utilities)

// creates new phone number in the format (xxx) xxx-xxxx[x]
static public Phone formatPhoneNumber(Phone _phone = "")
Phone newPhone = "";
str char;
int length = strlen(_phone);
int i;
container numbers = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'];
// remove all non numbers from field text
for (i=1; i<=length; i++)
char = substr(_phone,i,1);
if (confind(numbers,char))
newPhone = newPhone + char;
length = strlen(newPhone);

// create new phone number in the format (xxx) xxx-xxxx from 1234567890
newPhone = "(" + substr(newPhone,1,3) + ") " + substr(newPhone,4,3) + "-" + substr(newPhone,7, length-6);

return newPhone;

Inspired by Sonny Wibaba Adi

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