2020 release wave 2 Installed product version : 10.0.14 (10.0.605.20015) Installed platform version : Update38 (7.0.5778.41504)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Synchronisation Error: Cannot execute a data definition language command on ().
It is really useful job to cure this senseless error. Taken from russian Axapta forum.
Friday, December 12, 2008
How to add a custom report from scratch in OnTime2008 with behaviour of standard reports
This is about OnTime2008, the system used for development management. A small issue occurred during design a Customer report: we could not pass the selected project in the project tree as a parameter for SQL statement.
1. Create your stored procedure in MS SQLServer. You can easily use existing SP as a base, i.e. spS_Projects_Summary.Otherwise, you can just add an SQL-statement later in design time inOnTime2008.
2. Create and execute a command like thefollowing. Pay attention to the group of reports where you want to add your report to.
You can either add your xml-defined report design here or define it later in design time in OntIme2008.
HINT: The easiest way is just to create a copy of a standard report looking similar to one you want to create and copy-paste its xml code in MS SQL Server. It will take everything including the C# script.
USE [OnTime2008_Test]
DECLARE @return_value int,
@ReportId int
EXEC @return_value= [dbo].[spI_Reports]
@ReportId= @ReportId OUTPUT,
@Name =N'LBA Deliveries', -- report name
@ReportClass= N'',
@ReportXML= N'', -- can be copied-pasted or designed later
@SqlCommand= N'LBA_spS_DeliveryReport @projectid = {CURRENT_PROJECT}', -- your storedprocedure or SQL statement
@ReportType= 4, -- group for the report: 1- defects; 2- features; 3 - tasks; 4-summaries;5 - workslog; 6 - incidents; 7 - dashboard;
@IsActive= true,
@CreatedById= 1,
@CreatedDateTime= '2008-12-12 15:23:54', -- not important
@LastUpdatedById= 1,
@LastUpdatedDateTime='2008-12-12 15:23:54' -- not important
SELECT @ReportIdas N'@ReportId'
SELECT 'ReturnValue' = @return_value
3. At this stage you may launch OnTime2008 (or re-launch it in order to re-index) and open your newly created report in the approriate group of reports (Reports\Manage Reports...).
Now, just create a shortcut to the report and you can start to use it.
NOTE: Using filters depends on the report group.
The sample of xml code for the report design and the history of this issue you can find on the Axosoft forum.
1. Create your stored procedure in MS SQLServer. You can easily use existing SP as a base, i.e. spS_Projects_Summary.Otherwise, you can just add an SQL-statement later in design time inOnTime2008.
2. Create and execute a command like thefollowing. Pay attention to the group of reports where you want to add your report to.
You can either add your xml-defined report design here or define it later in design time in OntIme2008.
HINT: The easiest way is just to create a copy of a standard report looking similar to one you want to create and copy-paste its xml code in MS SQL Server. It will take everything including the C# script.
USE [OnTime2008_Test]
DECLARE @return_value int,
@ReportId int
EXEC @return_value= [dbo].[spI_Reports]
@ReportId= @ReportId OUTPUT,
@Name =N'LBA Deliveries', -- report name
@ReportClass= N'',
@ReportXML= N'', -- can be copied-pasted or designed later
@SqlCommand= N'LBA_spS_DeliveryReport @projectid = {CURRENT_PROJECT}', -- your storedprocedure or SQL statement
@ReportType= 4, -- group for the report: 1- defects; 2- features; 3 - tasks; 4-summaries;5 - workslog; 6 - incidents; 7 - dashboard;
@IsActive= true,
@CreatedById= 1,
@CreatedDateTime= '2008-12-12 15:23:54', -- not important
@LastUpdatedById= 1,
@LastUpdatedDateTime='2008-12-12 15:23:54' -- not important
SELECT @ReportIdas N'@ReportId'
SELECT 'ReturnValue' = @return_value
3. At this stage you may launch OnTime2008 (or re-launch it in order to re-index) and open your newly created report in the approriate group of reports (Reports\Manage Reports...).
Now, just create a shortcut to the report and you can start to use it.
NOTE: Using filters depends on the report group.
The sample of xml code for the report design and the history of this issue you can find on the Axosoft forum.