Friday, October 31, 2008

Debugging code on Business Connector

As MSDN our suggests, first, we should enable Debugger on the client, (do not be confused with versions! my previous link is correct for AX 4.0 and AX 2009 too, but this is only for AX 3.0)

Then, we must to enable the same on the Business Connector with Configuration Utility: (in my case I had to check both in order to debug my web service)

Now, you can add a breakpoint in your code.

Finally, you should run an instance of Debugger manually from the client's main menu because it does not start automatically as usually.

In conclusion I need to say that you should log in on your debugged application with the same user account which was used for the client and debugger sessions.

Lucky hunt for bugs!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Images on Form and Thumbnails in Grid

It is not a very complicated topic when it comes to show pictures on a form with Window control, but showing them in a grid caused some difficulties to me.

Here is the very simple project Images&ThumbnailsInGrid that will show you the way if are a little bit lost.

You can construct Image objects from the following file types:
  • Raster (bitmap) formats - .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tiff, and .exif
  • Vector formats - .emf and .wmf

By the way, do not forget about MSDN:


Just to remember: if you want to set up some value to a field on a dialog by default you should override standard method initParmDefault().

First time, AX takes it as a value, then it saves and restores the values the user input in the dialog form.

To see how it works just override this method for the class TestDemoRunBaseBacth as the following:
public void initParmDefault()

All values saved by Pack()method can be seen in Usage Data form: Tools\Options\Usage Data [Jobs - for classes]

Friday, October 3, 2008

Connected Systems Conference 2008 (Montreal)

Through Leonid Ganeline's help I got an invitation from a BizTalk User Group to this event. I to attend Montreal: November 6, 2008 Thursday

What it is about:

We will share the latest on Microsoft’s SOA offering - as well as details of the strategies and technologies that Microsoft is delivering today, over the next year, and into the future. At this event, you will learn:
  • BizTalk today and through FY’09
  • Microsoft’s Roadmap for the future
  • Microsoft’s “Real world” SOA vision, positioning and messaging
  • Service Virtualization & ESB guidance 2.0
  • RFID & mobility of BizTalk